Nothing says "we love Culbreth teachers" like homemade waffles!

Nothing says "we love Culbreth teachers" like homemade waffles!

Culbreth back-to-school breakfast

Culbreth back-to-school breakfast

Firefighters judging the annual Culbreth Chili Cook-off

Firefighters judging the annual Culbreth Chili Cook-off

Next Hospitality Event: May 24, End of Year Lunch

Culbreth Hospitality 2017-2018

Throughout each year, the Culbreth PTSA Hospitality committee provides yummy meals for all of the faculty and staff to show our gratitude for all that they do for our children.

The staff love and appreciate these events so much!!!

The success of these events depends upon support from our wonderful volunteers!

You can help in two signing up to send in needed donations and/or by signing up to help set up, serve, and clean up for the events. Helping out during Hospitality events is a super fun way to get to know our Culbreth faculty and staff!

You can also donate money to help fund hospitality events here. 

If you would like to receive e-mails about signing up to send in donations, volunteering at our events, or have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail

Please Save these Dates! 

8/25 Friday- Back-to-School Breakfast Bash Sign up here to donate food and beverages or volunteer.

9/28 Thursday - Lunch - Football theme. Sign up here.

11/8 Wednesday - Thanksgiving Lunch. Sign up here. 

12/18 Monday - Holiday Lunch. Sign up here.

1/18 Thursday - Chili Cook Off Sign up here! 

2/14 Wednesday - Love our Faculty Lunch Sign up here. 

3/14 Wednesday - Pi Day breakfast or lunch. Sign up here. 

4/12 Thursday - Science Day Breakfast Sign up here. 

 5/7-5/11 Faculty & Staff Appreciation Week 

Monday, May 7 - lunch - salads and pasta. Sign up.

Tuesday, May 8 - Breakfast - continental. Sign up.

Wednesday, May 9 - catered lunch. Sign up. 

Thursday, May 10 - lunch. Sign up.

Friday, May 11 - Breakfast Bash. Sign up. 

5/24 Thursday - End of Year Luau Lunch Sign up here.

6/8 - Friday - 8th Grade Graduation Reception( No donations needed this day, but 6th & 7th grade parents are needed as volunteers.)